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PrettyOrganicGirl Services

Exciting news!!

It is amazing to see how you girls want to know more about a brand or product you are using, if they are safe or not!  I have so many questions from you and I’ll do my best to reply to each of you!


To help you better embrace a healthier lifestyle and to help you make the right purchases, I am  launching my new service designed just for you!

It will give you my knowledge and experience, so you can make safer choices and invest in the best beauty, food, and home products the market has to offer!


My online service will allow me to guide you, assist you better, and I can reach even more of you at the same time!

There will be a launch of my online courses, where you will learn all the tricks and tips on how to spot a toxic, conventional brand, or a tricky misleading greenwashing brand, and learn how to pick the honest, trustable safe brands, and products that deserve our attention.


It would be designed to pass onto you my knowledge and experience, so you can learn about product analysis and label checking. So you can immediately know if a product is safe or not! No guessing, no wondering!

Once you complete the online program, you would finally be able to spot and recognize a safe product from a toxic one, read an ingredient list, make your judgment, and finally then make the right purchase.


Your knowledge will give you the confidence that brings you to make the safest choices for you, your family, and the environment. You would be investing in the healthiest products. You will know your money will finally be well invested!

Plus you would be able to recognize a safe product quickly, so you will save time while shopping online and in stores!


There is more!


I would also create two online groups:

PrettyOrganicGirls and PrettyOrganicMoms

You will have access to online groups, where you get my support and help, ask me to check your products, and get product experiences from other girls and moms in the community in a safe room on my online platform! Plus you will be the first one to receive discounts and new product information!


For some of you who want a full product check, I will be providing private consultations as well.


All of this will be coming soon!

Subscribe to my email list to be the first one to know and join my service!




Online Courses

Save Up to 50%



Girls Group



Private Consultations

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