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Let's Get Checked

Having a blood test always requires time and effort to get it done, 

especially when we are dealing with going to a lab and showing up to give away a lot of blood. A few times, I even got bruises and skin irritation from their cheap band aids. 

Even with health insurance, testing can still be expensive! 

There is a way to cut through all of this in a more comfortable and affordable way:

LetsGetChecked offers a collection of home kits to choose from, using far less blood:

A finger prick test. This test needs a small amount of blood and it is done by pricking your fingertip. 

Finger prick testing is performed in the comfort of your home.

LetsGetChecked tests are easy to use, provide very fast results, all without leaving home. And the best part is you don’t need to deal with health insurance or mysterious  bills!

Their prices are all clearly listed on their website for a transparent process, with online result access, without surprise bills! 

In this way, you are in control and can actively choose the test you would like to perform, check the results, and learn the next steps to better health.

Finally, you will have clearer insight into your health with the home kits.

My test checked micronutrient levels: Magnesium, Copper, Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin E.

Magnesium is a necessary mineral that each of us needs to supplement, since it is often found that foods are not providing enough! This mineral is important to the function of muscles and nerves, the development of bones and teeth, and the functioning of the heart.

Copper is important for the immune system, keeping your blood vessels and nerves healthy, and facilitating the metabolism of iron. 

Selenium is fundamental in reproduction, metabolism, and immunity, as well as hormone and thyroid function.

Zinc is important for the production of new cells and enzymes, maintaining a healthy immune system healing, and in the processing of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. 

Vitamin D we all need this important vitamin, since it plays a vital role in forming and maintaining strong bones and teeth, regulating normal immune system function. 

Vitamin B12 is important for neurological function, producing DNA, maintaining a healthy nervous system, and generating red blood cells, which carry oxygen around the body. It is also great for energy!

Vitamin E  is an antioxidant essential to protect cells from damage. It maintains healthy skin, eyes, and boosts our immune system. 

As you can see, these are important factors to know, if they are in the ideal level range of optimal health. The great thing is that with these tests you can easily monitor and eventually correct them with a targeted diet or specific supplements!

The best part is you don’t need to go to a lab, but all you need to do is simply start by going to 



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Let's Get Checked 

🌟Whenever I go to take a blood test, I need to make an appointment, show up, and then give away a lot of blood. Often, these tests are also very costly. There is an easier way to check your health and that is with LetsGetChecked!
👉You can take your test in the comfort of your home, and you will only need a few drops, plus it is more affordable!
🌟There are so many tests to choose from:
Female Fertility Test where you can check your hormones and the ovarian reserve biomarkers.
PCOS Test, this condition is very common and often misdiagnosed by healthcare providers. 
Men’s health and sexual health panels.
👉Wellness panel, like the one I did, where they are checking my Micronutrients Test, so I can monitor and adjust my daily multi-vitamins and minerals intake of:
* Vitamin D
* Vitamin B12
* Vitamin E
* Copper
* Selenium
* Zinc
* Magnesium
🌟I take Vitamin D, B-12, zinc and Magnesium daily, which are important nutrients we want to keep in the right range. 
The Micronutrient Test can provide specific insights into our diet and potential deficiencies of key vitamins and minerals that are essential for overall health and wellbeing. 
This test provides the necessary information to bring you more energy, healthier hair, muscle performance, and a stronger immune system.
Online results are available in 2 to 5 days. Can’t wait to receive them!
👉You can buy it on Amazon using your Prime Benefits

Let'sGet Checked Micronutrient Test

Having a blood test always requires time and effort to get it done, 
especially when we are dealing with going to a lab and showing up to give away a lot of blood. A few times, I even got bruises and skin irritation from their cheap band-aids. 
👉Even with health insurance, testing can still be expensive! 
There is a way to cut through all of this in a more comfortable and affordable way:
LetsGetChecked offers a collection of home kits to choose from, using far less blood:
👉A finger prick test. This test needs a small amount of blood and it is done by pricking your fingertip. 
👉Finger prick testing is performed in the comfort of your home.
LetsGetChecked tests are easy to use, provide very fast results, all without leaving home. And the best part is you don’t need to deal with health insurance or mysterious  bills!
Their prices are all clearly listed on their website for a transparent process, with online result access, without surprise bills! 
👉In this way, you are in control and can actively choose the test you would like to perform, check the results, and learn the next steps to better health.
👏Finally, you will have clearer insight into your health with the home kits.
💁‍♀️My test checked micronutrient levels: Magnesium, Copper, Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin E.
✨As you can see, these are important factors to know, if they are in he ideal level range of optimal health. The great thing is that with these tests you can easily monitor and eventually correct them with a targeted diet or specific supplements!
👉The best part is you don’t need to go to a lab, but all you need to do is simply start by going to 👉 
👉You can buy it on Amazon using your Prime Benefits

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