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🌎 The demand for paper products is still high. 15% of global deforestation is caused by toilet paper products.

16 Million trees are literally flushed down the toilet every year in the form of toilet paper! More than 27,000 trees are cut down each day just to make toilet paper each day. 

Approximately 90% of the world's paper is manufactured from wood pulp, and only 1% of paper is made from non-wood sources in the United States. 

It can take decades for a forest to be able to clean the air from constantly produced pollution, and making paper from these forests is far from sustainable. 

Every year, over 900 million trees are harvested for the purpose of producing paper.

These harvested trees can take over 30 years to regrow.

In Australia alone, over 3 million trees could be saved if we all switched to bamboo. 

The more people who switch to Tree-Free paper, renew, reuse & recycle, the greater the message to the government and the world.

Conventional TP Brands:

Paper from trees

The big toilet paper brands, such as Charmin, Quilted Northern, and Angel Soft primarily use freshly cut trees.

  • Wood Fiber: TP from wood is responsible for 15% of global deforestation

  • Bleach: TP bleached with chlorine and toxins are environmental pollutants and hazards that could cause skin irritation as well. 

  • Fragrances: a mysterious mix of undisclosed ingredients often responsible for skin irritations and toxic reactions.

  • BPABisphenol-A (BPA) and Bisphenol-S (BPS) are potentially toxic hormone-mimicking chemicals used in some plastics and plastic sealants. BPA has also been found in the ink on newspapers and receipts, leading to the presence of BPA in recycled paper products. 

  • Formaldehyde: It is usually added to conventional toilet paper to increase absorption.

  • Colors added: unnecessary waste of resources and irritant agents and polluting factors. Choose white paper

  • PFAS: Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are a group of man-made chemicals that are often used in food packaging. These chemicals don't break down and can accumulate in the human body over time and lead to adverse health effects. Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ found in toilet paper around the world!


Greenwashing TP Brands: 

In this category, there are brands that are still better than regular tree paper but if they truly want to be eco-friendly and offer better products, they should step up to the next step: safer brand

❌ Recycled Paper:

Even if Post-consumer recycled toilet paper is a big improvement over paper made from virgin tree pulp because less water, less energy, and fewer chemicals are involved, there is an issue. Post-consumer recycled toilet paper is known to contain small amounts of bisphenol-A and bisphenol-S, better known as BPA and BPS, which is likely the result of the presence of thermal receipts in our paper recycling streams. While these BPA levels are generally under legal limits, we wanted toilet paper that was entirely BPA-free.


Elemental Chlorine - Free (ECF):

use of chlorine oxide instead of chlorine gas to whiten tissue

Until recently, almost all toilet paper was made with chlorinated bleach. In the last few years, as the damaging effects of bleach on our bodies and the environment became harder to ignore, some toilet paper companies have switched to an ECF process or Elemental Chlorine Free. This is a marginal improvement over previous methods, but Elemental Chlorine particles are still produced in the process, and ultimately find their way into our waterways and bloodstreams.


 PCF-free paper products (processed chlorine-free but may contain residuals from recycled toilet paper mix)

Some Processed may contain a mixture of recycled materials that could have contained bleach. TCF has no mixture.

IF 98% OF TOILET PAPER ON RETAIL SHELVES CONTAINS CHLORINE BLEACH, is filled with lint, contains BPA derivatives, and is made from full-grown trees manufacturers chop down, THEN IT IS TIME WE COMPLETELY MOVE FORWARD. 

PCF-free whitening method is not approved when it is used for bleaching recycled materials. The process itself is not toxic and it produces no dioxins, it is considered the most eco-friendly by the Natural Resources Defense Council. With the PCF method, the issue is that it’s impossible to know whether the original papers were bleached with elemental chlorine or chlorine dioxide. Unless it is used for organic bamboo (not recycled paper involved), I explain it below!


Bleaching Breakdown

Here you learn all about bleaching techniques: 

For nearly a century there was really only one method of paper bleaching: Elemental Chlorine: a toxin so potent that it was used as a poison gas in WWI.  The EPA finally stepped in in the 1980s: by the 1990s almost all paper bleaching in North America switched over to the ECF method: Elemental Chlorine Free.

  • Elemental Chlorine-Free (ECF): Cheaper~ uses a compound called chlorine dioxide to achieve bleaching, and produces only trace amounts of the toxic pollutant. It is still unclear whether those trace amounts are harmful to the environment or not.  The pulp is still bleached with chlorine dioxide which is a chlorine derivative, which can still release dioxins.  Dioxins are known toxin that causes reproductive and infertility problems in adults, damage the immune system and interfere with the endocrine system. ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free) technology includes hydrogen peroxide as the primary compound but also includes oxygen and chlorine dioxide.

  • ✅ Totally Chlorine-Free (TCF): Better & safer~  bleaching is completely chlorine-free! Instead of elemental chlorine or chlorine dioxide, TCF bleaching uses oxygen-based agents or hydrogen peroxide. That means it completely eliminates dioxin pollutants making it safe for the environment and for you. The process reduces the total amount of waste, requires less energy, and consumes less water. This method is much more complex (and therefore expensive) than the ECF method.

  • ✅ Processed Chlorine-Free (PCF):  (only with bamboo and not recycled material). The organic bamboo toilet paper process does not include recycling so in this case PCF is approved because this whitening method is not used for bleaching recycled materials.  The concern with recycled paper is that if toxic chemicals were used to produce the original paper, they can get mixed into the recycling process. So you want to find organic bamboo paper PCF: Paper that is processed chlorine-free (PCF) uses ozone, oxygen and/or peroxide to bleach the paper. This method uses no chlorine, thus significantly reducing the amount of harmful waste produced by the process. The process itself is not toxic and it produces no dioxins, it is considered the most eco-friendly by the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Safer TP Brands:

If you too want to be part of the solution to protect the Earth and have fewer chemicals and toxins around, here is how to choose the most eco-friendly TP on the market: 


Tree-Free: avoid TP that is made with trees including the recycling ones, they are made by trees, and then they have been highly processed.

✅ FSC Certified: FSC certification ensures that products come from responsibly managed forests that provide environmental, social, and economic benefits. FSC Certified toilet paper means the source comes from certified mills and farms. Purchasing FSC-certified TP helps protect the forests of local communities and even helps people rebuild their forest homes. Purchasing FSC-certified TP helps prevent deforestation, including the conversion of natural forests into plantations.

 Totally Chlorine-Free (TCF) versus Elemental Chlorine Free. To be sure that your TP is made without any chlorine, we need to get it only when they state Total Chlorine Free  (TCF), Elemental Chlorine-free still uses chlorine so avoid that!

✅ Processed Chlorine-Free (PCF): bamboo paper  (only with bamboo is approved and not recycled material).

✅  Sugarcane: it is the largest agricultural crop in the world. Sugar cane renews itself in as little as 12 months. Virgin sugar cane and bamboo pulp is comparable to freshly harvested tree pulp and is softer than recycled paper

Bamboo grass: is another renewable resource that can be harvested for production. It can grow three inches in just one day! It can regenerate to its full growth in as little as six months. Bamboo Produces 35% more Oxygen than Trees. Bamboo is farmed organically so no herbicides, pesticides, or synthetic fertilizers are used to grow the bamboo!

Hydrogen peroxide:  which is a natural alternative to chemical bleaching agents.

Panda friendly:  Great strides have been made in recent years in China to conserve the Giant Pandas through the establishment of Panda reserves.

Panda-friendly bamboo:

  • when their bamboo is not a food source for the Panda Bear

  • It is not harvested in any areas that could affect Panda Bears

  • There are at least 1,500 species of bamboo, and the bamboo grass used has been certified as a species that is not a food source for pandas.

Plastic-free packaging: I try to avoid plastic packaging 

Organic bamboo: 100% Natural Responsibly Sourced Bamboo


  • Fragrances Free

  • Bleach Free

  • BPA Free

  • PFAS Free

  • Lint Free

  • Parabens Free

  • Harmful Fertilizers, Herbicides, or Pesticides Free

USDA Biobased product: is identified as a product that is made up of primarily biological or agricultural materials. The USDA label assures consumers that the product contains a USDA-verified amount of renewable biological ingredients. 


Bamboo difference:

  • Bamboo is one of the world’s fastest-growing plants, capable of growing up to three feet in 24 hours. Bamboo grows about 39 inches in a single day making it a much more sustainable resource than virgin wood. It requires little water, and no fertilizer, and regenerates on its own after cutting. The more regularly bamboo is harvested, the faster it grows.

  • It belongs to the grass family, or Poaceae, a family of plants characterized by long, slender leaves and hollow stems. Unlike trees, most grasses reach their full height in a single growing season compared to decades. 

  • Bamboo absorbs 35% more CO₂ per hectare than equivalent plants and can grow up to 39 inches in just one day. That means that bamboo is ultra-replenishable in addition to helping reduce deforestation (15% of deforestation is due to toilet paper production).

  • Water preservation: it takes 30% less water to make bamboo toilet paper than regular toilet paper! One roll of Bamboo TP takes around 0.59 gallons of water. One roll of conventional TP takes 37 gallons of water!

  • Bamboo is 100% biodegradable.



Unbleached and FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified bamboo is chipped down and the useful and non-useful material is separated, it simply goes into a thermo process of water to turn it into pulp.  The additive of silicate of soda which is toxic-free and safe is used as a binding agent to make the pulp bales.  The bales are then turned into toilet paper, with nothing else added including any whitening agents. It is then pressed and rolled out into the TP we love!



Organically grown bamboo pulp is harvested in China. Companies explain that: "Previous life cycle analyses comparing the impact of tree-free toilet paper produced in China for western markets to that of domestically produced tree paper indicate that, even with the incremental carbon and environmental costs associated with ocean freight, the imported tree-free paper uses less carbon by a factor of three. Simply put, tree paper is made by systematically destroying the most efficient system of carbon capture on earth: the Boreal Forest. The benefits of keeping those forests working as they’re supposed to far outweigh the costs of the alternative."

The conclusion from the worst to the best TP Category:

❌ Tree paper TP ~ bleached with chorine ~ plastic packaging

❌ Tree paper TP ~ unbleached ~ plastic packaging

❌ Bamboo TP ~ ECF ~ plastic packaging

 Bamboo TP ~ ECF ~ plastic-free packaging

✅ Bamboo TP ~ unbleached ~ plastic packaging

✅ Bamboo TP ~ unbleached ~ plastic-free packaging

Bamboo TP ~Processed Chlorine-Free (PCF) ~plastic-free packaging

The best:

✅ Organic Bamboo TP

 FSC Certified

✅ TCF (Totally Chlorine - Free)

Bamboo TP ~Processed Chlorine-Free (PCF) 

✅ BPA-free

✅ Panda -Friendly 🐼

✅ 100% Plastic-free packaging

🍃 Simply making the switch to alternative eco-friendly tree-free paper products can have a far greater impact than you can even imagine !🐠 🐙 🐢

Here are the approved brands listed below. My number one recommended brands are:

1. 🌿 Tushy: unbleached, FSC-certified, and plastic-free packaging. I also recommend their bidets!

2. 🌿 WHOLEROLL: If you prefer white TP, this is the only bamboo paper I know that is Processed Chlorine-Free (PCF)

3. 🌿 Eco Cheeck:  an Australian brand coming soon to the US. Unbleached, FSC-certified, and plastic-free packaging

Shop with my links to support my research 💖

FSC certified, organic toilet paper, organic bamboo toilet paper FSC certified
Tree Free Paper Bamboo & Sugarcane

🌎 15% of global deforestation is caused by toilet paper products.
16 Million trees are literally flushed down the toilet every year in the form of toilet paper (TP)! Here is what you can do: 

Paper type

  • CONVENTIONAL Tree-sourced TP: The big toilet paper brands, such as Charmin, Quilted Northern, and Angel Soft primarily use freshly cut trees. Plus they could be contaminated with bleaching agents, fragrances, formaldehyde, color, and other irritants.

  • RECYCLED PAPER TP: contains some amount of BPA and BPS.

  • ✅ BAMBOO: Bamboo is a more sustainable choice.

Bleaching method

  • Elemental Chlorine-Free (ECF) bleaching method: It is not the best

  • Totally chlorine-free (TCF): Pick TCF over the elemental chlorine-free (ECF) bleaching method. Instead of elemental chlorine or chlorine dioxide, TCF bleaching uses oxygen-based agents or hydrogen peroxide. A safer and more eco-friendly choice. Total chlorine-free (TCF)  toilet paper is the best choice!

🍃Best and safest toilet paper:


  • ✅ FSC Certified


  • ✅Plastic-free packaging

  • ✅Panda -Friendly 🐼

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Tushy Bamboo Toilet Paper
Tushy Bamboo Toilet Paper review and promo code

Tushy Bamboo Toilet paper is currently my favorite and my number one recommendation.

💖Switching to bamboo exponentially reduces your carbon footprint. You know that! That's why I recommend you this brand. This brand is very popular and offers a nice collection of sustainable cleaning options such as bidets, toilet stools, portable bidets for travel,  and bamboo toilet paper.

Their bamboo toilet paper is unbleached 

Their bamboo grows up to 39 inches in a day.

🌎 They practice biological pulping, meaning, they don't use chlorine or chlorine dioxide during the process. Free of bleach and cancer-causing BPAs. Delivered straight to your front door. No bleach, no emulsifying agents. All-natural.

🍃 They are wrapped in elegant paper

  • ✅ organic bamboo

  • ✅ FSC Certifed bamboo

  • ✅ TCF (unbleached)

  • ✅ 100% Plastic-free packaging

MATERIAL:  unbleached bamboo, PACKAGING: paper 🐠 🐙 🐢

GREAT: Tushy is doing everything right! Highly recommended

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Wholeroll Organic Bamboo Toilet Paper
Wholeroll Organic Bamboo Toilet Paper review and promo code, organic, totally chlorine-free toilet paper

💖WHOLEROLL is 100% organic, Made from virgin bamboo pulp and zero chlorine bleach. 🍃 It is the only brand I know that is whitened using natural elements of oxygen, hydrogen, and peroxide. This process is called processed chlorine-free (PCF).

👉While other brands use a cheaper whitening method Elemental chlorine-free ECF (which can still contain bleach), PCF is better since it has zero bleach.
💖 This is my number one brand recommendation for white toilet paper and paper towels! Which is making it all right. 100% toxin-free, bleach-free, and BPA-free. Free of any chemicals or scents, and totally plastic-free!

🌟 This high-quality tree-free toilet paper is SUPER SOFT, 100% ORGANIC, SEPTIC TANK SAFE, AND BIODEGRADABLE. Made from virgin bamboo pulp that has zero chlorine bleach, no BPA nor any other harmful chemicals. It is nature-friendly, made sturdy and strong yet it's a soft and comfortable 3-ply tissue roll with two-ply thickness and has a texture that's uniquely silky soft, and highly absorbent. It is great for use by those who will often experience allergic reactions, irritations from lint, or other discomforts when they use toilet paper brands that contain chlorine bleach, fragrances, and other chemicals and it's perfect for your little ones whose skin is so delicate.

🍃WHOLEROLL is 100% organic. It is not whitened with chlorine bleach. It is whitened using natural elements of ozone, oxygen, and peroxide. (PCF)​

  • ✅ 100% FSC-certified organic bamboo

  • ✅ Processed CHLORINE-FREE (PCF)

  • ✅ BPA-free, chemical-free, scent-free

  • ✅ 100% Plastic-free packaging

  • ✅ COTTON-LIKE SOFTNESS - All-natural bath tissue is strong and absorbent, lint-free, and has an organic cotton-like softness

  • ✅ ZERO TREES CUT DOWN -Over 27,000 trees are cut down each day in the US alone just to make toilet paper. 

  • ✅ BETTER ON THE SKIN-Organic and all-natural always.

​🌎 Made from fast-growing bamboo, no trees. Stronger, more absorbent, with texture on one side. Delivered to your door in 100% plastic-free packaging. 

MATERIAL: PCF  and made from an all-natural virgin organic bamboo pulp. WHOLEROLL is 100% organic. It is not whitened with chlorine bleach. It is whitened using natural elements of oxygen, hydrogen, and peroxide

Great: It is the only one that is whitened with PCF 🐠 🐙 🐢

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Eco Cheeks Certified Organic Toilet Paper

Eco Cheecks is doing everything right! It is coming soon to the US. Stay tuned!

💖 I am so excited to introduce you to this amazing sustainable company that eliminate the total use of bleaching agent (AKA chlorine) and any other irritating toxic chemicals like formaldehyde, fragrance, and BPA

🌎 It is doing everything right:

  • Unbleached so ZERO bleach and chlorine and Totally Chlorine-free.

  • FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified bamboo

  • certified to ISO Standards

  • ZERO plastic in manufacturing and packaging.

  • wrapping paper is also FSC and soybean ink is used for the printing.

  • unwrapped rolls available: naked rolls, for less waste

MATERIAL: 100% FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified bamboo

Totally chlorine-free (TCF) 

Bamboo Origin: Sichuan province of China

🐠 🐙 🐢

GREAT: Eco Cheecks is doing everything right. 

Plant Paper Bamboo Toilet Paper

The damaging effects of bleach on our bodies and the environment became are well known. 👉Even if some toilet paper companies have switched to an ECF process, or Element Chlorine Free from chlorinated bleach, it is not enough! ⚠️ This method is still toxic! Elemental Chlorine particles are still produced in the process and ultimately find their way into our waterways and bloodstreams.
💖 They proudly stated in our chat:” We are the only brand in the market that's 100% toxin-free, completely free of any bleaching agents and scents.”
✅ organic bamboo

✅ FSC-certified bamboo

✅ TCF: Totally Chlorine Free

✅ 100% Plastic-free packaging

Made from fast-growing bamboo, never from trees. Stronger, more absorbent, and made entirely without the use of bleaching agents and other harmful chemicals.
🍃PlantPaper signature embossed pattern is about more than just decoration; it improves performance.
🌎 PlantPaper contains no dyeing agents of any kind, so the off-white color of their paper corresponds to the natural color of the bamboo pulp used to make it. It is truly fragrance-free! I can confirm that!
Delivered to your door in 100% plastic-free packaging.

MATERIAL: FSC-certified bamboo. PACKAGING: PlantPaper’s chipboard cartons and shipping boxes are 100% recycled, recyclable, compostable, and free of dyes and coating. The entire supply chain, from manufacturing to your door, is completely plastic-free. 🐠 🐙 🐢💖

GOOD: it is good, just rougher for compared to white paper 

Use my 25% off promo code for a subscription: PRETTYORGANICGIRL

Cloud Paper Bamboo Toilet Paper
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💖 Tree-free toilet paper, paper towels, and tissue boxes are all made with 100% ultra-soft bamboo. 

🌎 24 rolls of tree-free toilet paper made with 100% ultra-soft bamboo. Their subscription options will deliver to your door right when you need it

🍃 Made with FSC-certified bamboo and delivered in a box made of 100% recycled content. You don’t have to sacrifice quality for sustainability. Not only is bamboo toilet paper good for you and the environment, but the packaging is also plastic-free, recyclable, and compostable. With subscription options to fit your home, your order will be shipped free of charge and delivered right to your door. Try it and cancel for free at any time.

🍃The rolls are made with 100% bamboo! There is an adhesive used to keep the first sheet attached to the roll, which is made entirely out of cornstarch. 

✅ Organic Bamboo

✅ FSC Certified bamboo

✅ 100% Plastic-free packaging

MATERIALFSC-certified bamboo, ECF, plastic-free packaging, box made of 100% recycled content, cornstarch adhesive 🐠 🐙 🐢

NOTE: This brand went from TCF to ECF recently!

GOOD: FSC Certified, plastic free, ECF. 

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Repurpose Bamboo Paper 

💖 Only the silkiest paper for your bum! Unlike the rough recycled bath tissue you've tried before, our bamboo fibers produce luxurious, quality, and durable toilet paper, all while reducing your carbon buttprint.

🍃12 rolls of toilet paper, super Soft & Strong 3-Ply (300 sheets)

  • Tree-free

  • ECF

  • Renewable Materials

  • Naturally antibacterial, anti-fungal and hypo-allergic

  • Septic Safe, Fast Dissolving and RV-friendly

  • No Inks, Dyes or Scents 

  • 100% FSC-Certified Bamboo

  • 🌎 100% Zero Waste Paper Packaging, Box made to be recycled with minimum effort and blanket wrap paper is made to be composted, free of ink or dyes.

MATERIAL: FSC Certified Bamboo, elemental chlorine-free🐠 🐙 🐢

GOOD: 100% FSC Certified Bamboo, plastic free, ECF. 

Cloud Paper Bamboo Toilet Paper

🌎 15% of global deforestation is caused by toilet paper (TP) products. Plus, conventional TP contains toxins! Here is what you can do:
✅MATERIAL: Pick a tree-free sourced TP, the most sustainable is made from bamboo. 🌱
✅SOURCE: Pick responsible bamboo farming. FSC Certification is a nonprofit organization that sets the standards for responsible bamboo forest management.
👉BLEACHING: Pick totally chlorine-free (TCF) over the elemental chlorine-free (ECF) bleaching method. Instead of elemental chlorine or chlorine dioxide, TCF bleaching uses oxygen-based agents or hydrogen peroxide. A safer and more eco-friendly choice. 
✅PACKAGING: It doesn’t matter how eco-friendly a TP brand may be if they send it to your home in plastic. Choose plastic-free packaging.🌿
🌱Tree-free toilet paper and paper towels are made with 100% FSC-certified bamboo.
🌱Plastic-free box made of 100% recycled content and cornstarch adhesive.
💚Plus, Cloud Paper offers the convenience of a subscription to receive their organic paper directly to your home in a carbon-neutral delivery.
🌟To make it even better, here is my promotion code: PRETTYORGANICGIRL

NOTE: This brand went from TCF to ECF recently!

GOOD: FSC Certified, plastic free, ECF.

Naturezway Bamboo Toilet Paper

🍃100% bamboo pulp toilet paper is stronger than tissue made from hardwood pulp products, making it a viable, even superior bath tissue option. Not only is it strong, but it is also softer and cooler to the touch.

Hydrogen peroxide is used as the whitening agent in this earth-friendly toilet paper instead of bleach, which is typically used in competitor products. It is also produced through a process that does not use other harmful chemicals such as BPA.

🍃Made from 100% virgin bamboo pulp, renewable and plant-based ingredients used. Soft and absorbent. 100% BPA free, no recycled materials, Fragrance-free, Hypoallergenic, Tree-free, Septic safe, 2 ply premium quality! 

🍃Bamboo is from the grass family, so it grows fast, is easily renewable and matures in only 3 years. It takes up less space and needs less water than trees to grow, requires no pesticides, and reduces soil erosion.

I tried it, it is a good option.

MATERIAL100% virgin bamboo pulp, Hydrogen peroxide, plastic packaging 

GOOD/NOT SO GREAT: plastic packaging 

Rebel Green - Tree Free Toilet Tissue 
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💖Made from sustainable bamboo, they allow consumers to make better choices for the environment without sacrificing the softness and durability of conventional paper products.

Here are 5 reasons to make the switch to Tree-Free products:

  • Soft & Absorbent. Rebel Green Tree Free products are just as soft and durable as conventional paper products. 

  • Made from Bamboo. Trees remove carbon dioxide from our air and replenish the oxygen we need to breathe. Some trees can actually take 30 years to grow and mature, while bamboo can grow 2.5 feet per day. In just 3-4 months, bamboo is fully matured and ready to be harvested again.

  • Panda Friendly. Rebel Green Tree Free products has been certified as a species that is not a food source for pandas.

  • Carbon Neutral. The simple act of cooking over an open fire inside the home kills nearly 4.2 million people each year due to smoke inhalation. By partnering with The Paradigm Project, Rebel Green helps to fund clean cook stoves for women and their families in the developing world. These stoves reduce air pollution and make the cooking process safer for families and the environment. This reduction in carbon emissions completely offsets the carbon footprint of producing Rebel Green Tree Free products.

When Investigated this brand they answered on the chat that they are 100% bleach-free, 


  • certified as carbon neutral to offset the transportation for the paper from its source. 

  • The company is owned by women

MATERIAL:  unbleached bamboo

PACKAGING: plastic

I just wish they were offering plastic-free packaging!🐠 🐙 🐢

GOOD/NOT SO GREAT: plastic packaging 

eco-friendly toilet paper, kitchen paper towel, paper free towel, tree free paper, bamboo paper
Tree Free Paper Bamboo & Sugarcane

💖 I am so excited to introduce you to this amazing sustainable company that came out to reduce plastic pollution by offering these eco-friendly solutions!

Green2 100% tree-free paper products are made from sugar cane husks and bamboo grass, both of which are environmentally sustainable resources. Sugar husks are actually a waste product from the production of sugar and are often just burned.

🌎 Tree-Free paper products are soft, absorbent, affordable, septic safe, and whitened with hydrogen peroxide.

Allergenic, no dyes, lotions, fragrances, corn, wheat, or glue added!

🍃 Currently manufactured in China, True Green’s goal is to be able to manufacture Green2 products in the USA

MATERIAL: bamboo and sugar cane

This is total chlorine-free (TCF) 

Packaging: Plastic

I just wish they were offering plastic-free packaging!🐠 🐙 🐢

GOOD/NOT SO GREAT: plastic packaging 

Bamboo Story 100% Unbleached Premium

💖 100% Bamboo FSC CERTIFIED UNBLEACHED Bamboo Toilet Paper. Free of formaldehyde, and free of hydrogen peroxide. Hypoallergenic, no chlorine, BPA-free, fragrance-free, paraben-free, non-GMO, and chemical-free. 

  • 🍃TREE FREE Eco Toilet Paper is made from a sustainable, fastest-growing alternative to traditional tree-based bathroom toilet paper. Eco-friendly, biodegradable, and hypoallergenic for all sensitive skin types, including eczema and atopy dermatitis.

  • 🍃BLANKET WRAPPED ROLLS to reduce paper waste. PREMIUM BAMBOO Toilet Paper, 3 PLY sheets for extra strength, and extra absorption. 

  • 🌎 100% PLASTIC FREE Packaging, Box made to be recycled with minimum effort, and blanket wrap paper is made to be composted, free of ink or dyes.

MATERIAL:  FSC Certified Bamboo, unbleached, paper bob🐠 🐙 🐢

GREAT: 100% FSC Certified bamboo, Plastic-free, Unbleached 

I tried it, and it is very soft 

Emerald Tree Free Toilet Paper
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💖American Made, BPA Free, Chlorine Free, PFAS Free and USDA certified biobased. 

​Emerald™ Tree-Free™ products are transforming agricultural waste and barren land into new revenue streams. Many farmers leave their waste to decompose or are forced to burn and discard the dry pulp residue after it is extracted from their crops. Burning and wasting this valuable material takes time and energy away from farmers and causes local air pollution to increase within the community.

🍃Emerald™ uses rapidly renewable resources like sugarcane bagasse, wheat, and miscanthus, which all grow back in less than one year; making Emerald™ Farm to Tissue® and Farm to Paper® products a sustainable alternative to traditional paper products. 

  • BPA free

  • Chlorine Free: Emerald's pulp bleaching process uses Hydrogen Peroxide, a much safer alternative to elemental chlorine gas, making Emerald™ Products Chlorine Free.

  • Water based ink

  • FSC certified

  • USDA Biopreferred: biological, or agriculture materal

MATERIAL:  50% FSC bamboo and 50% biopreferred agriculture waste.

It is a great idea, we just don't know is the renewable resources were organic or conventional, which means potential pesticides.

GOOD/NOT SO GREAT: potential pesticides

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Purafide Natural Bamboo Toilet Paper

💖Purafide 100% Pure is an all-natural Bamboo Toilet Paper luxurious 3-ply paper made from 100% bamboo, giving you a soft, strong, and sustainable option for your everyday needs.

With no toxic chemicals, bleach, or chlorine used, gentle on your skin and the environment. 

🍃BPA-free and FSA-certified Bamboo Toilet Paper!

  • FSA-Certified & BPA-Free

  • Naturally hypoallergenic and septic-safe

  • 10x stronger than your typical toilet paper

  • No toxic chemicals used to whiten!

  • 3-ply tissue made with 16 GSM sheets

  • Highly effective at preventing the spread of germs

  • 100% sustainable & recyclable packaging

  • Pack of 8, 16 and 24 Large Rolls

MATERIALFSA-Certified bamboo, unbleached 

GREAT: 100% FSC Certified bamboo, Plastic-free, Unbleached 

TUSHY ACE Electric Bidet Seat
TUSHY ACE Electric Bidet Seat review and promo code

🌟I grew up with a bidet. I can promise you that once you try it, you won't go back. No wet wipes or toilet paper can reproduce that feeling of being clean and refreshed as a bidet can do. Everybody who tried it told me that it is like a discovery!

🌎I have this TUSHY bidet and it is my number one recommendation.

 Warms, cleans, & dries via remote.

🍃The Renaissance of premium bidets starts now. .No other electric bidet seat looks feels or performs more exquisitely. Turn pottying into pampering with your first-ever electric bidet seat complete with TUSHY-tech: designer remote control!

  • Remote control seamlessly designed with intuitive features, like capacitive touch and haptic feedback. (Batteries included.)

  • Remote wall mount so luxury is always within your reach. 

  • Self-cleaning nozzle made from naturally anti-microbial stainless steel means a better clean for you and your home. Automatically retracts when not in use.

  • Water temperature control with 5 soothing settings, instantly cool to warm, for ultimate comfort.

  • Water pressure control with 5 settings from a gentle wash to a deeper clean. Double-tap for the signature oscillating massage spray.

  • Heated seat with 5 temperature settings for customizable comfort.

  • Air dryer with 5 temperature settings for a breezy, hands-free drying experience.

  • Soft-close lid for a luxurious experience even after you finish.

  • Seat sensor so TUSHY Ace only works when seated. 🐠 🐙 🐢

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TUSHY Ottoman

🍃Kick up your feet and let the TUSHY Ottoman position you to deliver the most elegant dump you’ve ever had. No more straining, pushing or constipation. Poop the way nature intended with TUSHY Ottoman.

Ottoman opens your rectal canal from 100 to 120 degrees, improving your bowel health and relieving constipation.

Modern toilets aren't designed to allow someone to easily empty their entire bowels because sitting creates a bend in the rectum.

Dr. Jack Springer, American Board of Emergency Medicine says he has a stool on every one of his toilets because they’re the “most effective, safe,
 non-medicinal tools that exist for many common medical ailments.”

  • Sleek high-end design toilet stool that elevates the look and feel of your bathroom.

  • Fits discreetly in front of your toilet and seamlessly blends with your toilet… unlike those other stools.

  • Carefully crafted curvature to keep your feet comfy during your equally comfy sh*t.

  • Original: 9” H x 16.5” W x 9” L
    Relaxed: 7.5” H x 16.5” W x 9” L

  • 🐠 🐙 🐢

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Squatty Potty The Original Toilet Stool 

🍃One Stool, Two Heights

This versatile toilet stool can flip to 7” or 9” in height. Perfect for any toilet size. The Bamboo Flip Toilet Stool is made from natural bamboo. This makes it durable yet comfortable to use! Adding bamboo to your bathroom is a great way to create a warm, beautiful space.

Human bodies perform more efficiently if we squat when we poop, which will unkink your colon. Our toilet stools support your legs at the proper angle, which creates a squat (legs at the proper angle: 35°) while you sit comfortably on the toilet seat.

  • Sleek high-end design toilet stool that elevates the look and feel of your bathroom.

  • Fits discreetly in front of your toilet and seamlessly blends with your toilet… unlike those other stools.

  • Carefully crafted curvature to keep your feet comfy during your equally comfy sh*t.

  • Original: 9” H x 16.5” W x 9” L
    Relaxed: 7.5” H x 16.5” W x 9” L

  • 🐠 🐙 🐢

eco-friendly toilet paper, kitchen paper towel, paper free towel, tree free paper, bamboo paper, better way paper
Not recommended


 GREAT PART: organic bamboo hand-harvested in FSC certified groves that are panda-free. Their bamboo pulp comes from small, family-owned farms and is hand-harvested. It’s grown naturally without pesticides or fertilizers, processed without harsh chemicals, and shipped plastic-free.​

  • FSC certified - Panda- friendly

  • 100% Plastic-free packaging: Sustainably packaged with RECYCLED CARDBOARD boxes & cores; plastic-free tape!

NOT SO GREAT: elemental chlorine-free (ECF) process, 

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Not recommended

Lovely poo poo

GREAT PART: made with FSC is the Forest Stewardship Council, which is an organization that tracks the papermaking process from the felling of trees to the final product. FSC certification can ensure that the lovely poo poo bamboo paper you buy is produced in an environmentally friendly way, which is definitely a manifestation of respect for forests and environmental protection.

NOT SO GREAT: toilet paper is whitened using elemental-free chlorine (ECF)

It comes from the Sichuan province of China

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Not recommended

NooTrees Toilet Paper 

GREAT PART: NooTrees 3-ply Bathroom Rolls are made with 100 percent bamboo pulp. Their bamboo products are 100% renewable and FSC certified. This means the source comes from certified mills and farms. 

NOT SO GREAT: ECF. They confirmed to me on the chat that they use elemental chlorine.

The packaging is also in plastic  

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Not recommended

I don't recommend Bim Bam Boo Toilet Paper because it is ECF elemental chlorine free.

FSC Certified bamboo, organically grown and harvested in China.

Bim Bam Boo tissue is made with a proprietary blend of bamboo pulp and water, naturally-derived conditioners (to improve softness and strength), hydrogen-peroxide, and pectin-derived gelatin. It DOES NOT contain methylisothiazolinone or benzisothiazolinone.

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Not recommended

I don't recommend Bippy Toilet Paper because uses ECF technology.

Good part: third-party certifications like FSC, ISO, BSCI, and toilet paper contains no inks, dyes, or fragrances. The outter packaging (recycled wrappers and kraft boxes) does contain water-based inks.

FSC-certified bamboo farms in China where bamboo.

Plastic-free rolls: Instead they are wrapped in FSC-certified.

Not so good: ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free) technology to whiten our rolls. It includes hydrogen peroxide as the primary compound but also includes oxygen and chlorine dioxide.

Not recommended
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Cheeky Panda  is greenwashing! Online states: "Our products are gently whitened with water-based bleach without the use of BPAs, de-inking chemicals, peroxide, and chlorine. "

  • Free from irritating dust, B.P.A, Chlorine bleach and fragrances, and dermatologically tested on sensitive skin

  • 100% biodegradable, proudly vegan and 100% FSC approved

  • Not the same type of bamboo that pandas chomp down on

This is from their email: "Our products are gently whitened with water-based bleach without the use of BPAs, de-inking chemicals, and chlorine. This allows us to produce white products that are neither harmful to nature nor to your health.
The way we make the products white is not considered bleach per se, as it is ECF (Elemental chlorine-free). Elemental chlorine-free (ECF) is a technique that uses chlorine dioxide for the bleaching of wood/bamboo pulp. It does not use elemental chlorine gas during the bleaching process and prevents the formation of dioxins and dioxin-like compounds, carcinogens. "

They are trying to convince me that ECF is no toxic: greenwashing!!


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Not Recommeded!

I don't recommend Who Gives a Crap for these reasons:

1. they offer recycled toilet paper

2. their bamboo toilet paper is not FSC certified plus it is bleached with elemental chlorine free: "Our bamboo toilet paper, paper towels, and tissues are whitened using both Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) and Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)."

3. plus their new skincare is made with toxic ingredients such as fragrance!

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Not recommended

Reel Toilet Paper 

GREAT  PART: This brand Reel has very nice plastic-free packaging, 

FSC-certified bamboo farms in China where bamboo grows wild without the use of pesticides or fertilizer.

Plastic-free rolls: Instead they are wrapped in FSC-certified colorful wrappers.

NOT SO GREAT:  ECF  elemental-chlorine free to bleach their TP. I suggest TOTAL chlorine-free.

MATERIAL: 100% bamboo and ECF elemental-chlorine free. 

eco-friendly toilet paper, kitchen paper towel, paper free towel, tree free paper, bamboo paper, caboo
Not recommended


GREAT PART: Caboo is accredited by the BRC Global Standards, FSC, ISO 14000. It is truly fragrance-free I tested it!

  • non-GMO project verified

  • Panda friendly

NOT SO GREAT: Free of elemental chlorine (ECF): I wish they were total-chlorine free. 

I wish this eco-friendly toilet paper company will be using plastic-free packaging soon.

Currently manufactured in China, The bamboo is sourced & manufactured in Western China

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