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Organic  Eggs

Here you will find the best Organic eggs on the market!

ASPCA recommends labels Animal Welfare Approved, Certified Humane, and Global Animal Partnership (Step 2 or higher), and mak welfare-conscious choices when you shop.


Hens are fed genetically modified grains, from crops treated with chemical pesticides



Cage-free “Cage free” does not mean the birds have had access to the outside. No cages, but crowded barns with thousands of birds fighting for space —not exactly “free.” Cage Free Eggs are sourced come from hens raised in cramped barns, often with several hens per square foot, with no access to the great outdoors. Not so friendly.

Free-range: “Free range” or “free roaming” means chickens have access to the outside. However, what access to the outside means is ambiguous. It can mean that outside access is limited and on dirt or concrete.

With as little as 2 sq. ft. per hen, the “range” can be about half the size of your coffee table. That's not a lot—even for an 18" tall hen. Free-Range Hens live in similar conditions, with the addition of limited outdoor access. The typical free-range setup provides about two square feet of space per hen, often a cement patio or dirt lot. Sounds nicer than it is.

Non-GMOs: Hens are fed non-GMO grains, however, pasture and crops may be treated with chemical pesticides and hens may receive antibiotics.


USDA Certified Organic“certified organic” eggs. This means the birds must be fed organic, vegetarian feed and cannot be dosed with antibiotics. Birds cannot be caged. The amount of outdoor access to the birds is not clearly defined and on many organic farms, birds may have access only to a small concrete yard.

For an egg to receive the USDA Organic seal, the hens laying those eggs must be fed a purely organic diet. That means feed that contains no genetically modified foods, animal by-products, synthetic fertilizers, other chemicals, hormones, or pesticides. The hens and their land and feed are free from chemical pesticides, GMOs, and antibiotics—which means you are too. Organic Eggs mean that all non-grass and grubs, supplemental feed, the chickens eat are certified organic. Organic hens never receive antibiotics

Certified organic feed is non-GMO and free of all toxic chemicals. In the pastures and woodlands where their hens roam, they never spray harmful pesticides or herbicides. Important, but only part of a healthy hen lifestyle.  

Certified Humane: when you see the Certified Humane® Raised & Handled logo on a product you can be assured that the food products have come from operations that meet precise, objective standards for farm animal treatment. The Certified Humane® Raised and Handled logo can be found on meat, poultry,  eggs, dairy products, pet food, textiles, and personal care products.

It is a little more expensive to raise farm animals humanely, so it usually does cost a little more to buy Certified Humane® foods. But the quality is higher too!

If the carton says “certified humane” it means the birds were raised in a manner that meets the certification requirements of Humane Farm Animal Care. Laying hens must be uncaged and have access to perches, nest boxes, and dust-bathing areas. Flock density is limited but birds are not required to have access to the outdoors. Beak trimming is allowed; debeaking is not. Starvation to induce molting is not permitted.









Pasture Raised: If a carton of eggs has both a “pasture-raised” claim and the Certified Humane Raised and Handled seal, it means the “pasture-raised” claim was verified, and the hens were given roughly 10 by 10 feet of pasture per bird (the standards have an outdoor space requirement of no more than 1,000 birds per 2.5 acres, which translates to 108 square feet per bird).

That's what we call freedom. Pasture-Raised Hens actively graze and forage outdoors. Each hen has 108+ square feet per hen. 

note: The Food and Drug Administration oversees the labeling on dairy and eggs. The agency has no common standard for producers to make a “pasture-raised” labeling claim and does not require it to be verified. You will need to check both a “pasture-raised” claim and the Certified Humane Raised and Handled seal

Certified Animal Welfare Approved: A Greener World (AGW) has the most rigorous standards for farm animal welfare and environmental sustainability across the globe.

Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW:

  • Requires animals to be raised on pasture or range

  • Awards approval only to independent farmers

  • Incorporates the most comprehensive standards for high-welfare farming

✅🐓Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW is the top-ranked food label for animal welfare

✔️Farms meet the highest animal welfare standards

✔️ Animals are raised outdoors on pasture for their entire life

✔️ Birds breathe fresh, clean air, drink pure water, forage and dust bathe

✔️ No beak-trimming, confinement, or routine antibiotics

✔️ Farms are visited by qualified auditors

Pasture-raised eggs taste or look different than other eggs!

Pasture-raised hens’ natural and wholesome diets foster brighter, more orangey-yellow yolks, and a fresher, richer taste. Pasture-raised eggs are the best-tasting eggs, with superior baking performance in muffins and cakes. So it turns out, when you treat your hens with respect and care, they treat us well right back.

It’s exactly this lifestyle and diet that makes pasture-raised organic eggs nutrient-dense, and it’s also what gives their yolks that beautiful amber color.

The best eggs you can get need  to have 2 requirements:

1. USDA Certified Organic seal,  which means the chickens didn't eat any GMO corn or other pesticide food.

2. Certified Pasture-Raised. Look for the HFAC Humane Farm Animal Care seal!

Vitamin D in eggs has been observed to increase up to 4 times in hens that have exposure to sunlight, compared to hens that are kept away from sunlight. 

On this page you will find only the best of the best which means eggs that carry the 2 certifications:

  •  USDA Certified Organic

  • American Humane Certified

When you open the egg, the brighter orange the yolk, the more carotenoids the egg contains. We need to encourage pastured egg and chicken production. Pastured eggs contain 10% less fat, 34% less cholesterol, 40% more Vitamin A, and 4 times the amount of omega-3. Pastured chicken meat contains 21% less fat and 50% more Vitamin A than the USDA standard

When picking eggs at the grocery store check the 2 certifications on the cartons since the same brands may carry non-organic versions or non-pastured versions!

Certified Organic Pasture-Raised Eggs

🐣Easter is coming soon:
Here is what you need to know to get the best eggs!
❌Cage: kept inside in cages
Diet: no regulations. Not organic
Hens are fed genetically modified grains, from crops treated with chemical pesticides
❌Cage-free: They are kept in crowded indoors, with no sunlight or outdoor spaces.
Diet: no regulations. Not organic, antibiotic
❌Free-range: “free-roaming” means chickens have access to the outside. outside access is limited and on dirt or concrete.
Diet: no regulations. Not organic, antibiotic
🔎Look for these labels
✅🐓USDA Certifed Organic and Pasture-raised: free to roam + outdoor access.Diet: forage their food + controlled USDA-certified organic diet
👉Note: FDA has no common standard for producers to make a “pasture-raised” labeling claim and does not require it to be verified.
🔎That’s why it is important to check the Certified Humane® who audits their pasture-raised animal welfare practices.
🔎If a carton of eggs has both a “pasture-raised” claim and the Certified Humane Raised and Handled seal, it means the “pasture-raised” claim was verified,
✅🐓Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW is the top-ranked food label for animal welfare
✔️Farms meet the highest animal welfare standards
✔️ Animals are raised outdoors on pasture for their entire life
✔️ Birds breathe fresh, clean air, drink pure water, forage and dust bathe
✔️ No beak-trimming, confinement, or routine antibiotics
✔️ Farms are visited by qualified auditors
🥚The most nutritious eggs are from pasture-raised hens that bask in the sunlight, pick and hunt their food, and have the freedom they are supposed to have!
👉Their eggs are superior in terms of taste, color, consistency, nutrition, ethics, and environmentalism!

Utophien Organic Pasture-Raised Eggs
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🍳 Their pasture-raised organic hens are fed a diet that consists only of organic, non-GMO, pesticide-free ingredients.

Additionally, the Certified Humane family farms that raise them have met all the standards and have gone through the long, extensive process required to earn the USDA Organic seal — which also means the hens never receive antibiotics or hormones and are allowed to live naturally, with no forced molting or any other non-natural practice.

They surpass the industry standard for pasture-raised by requiring at least 110 square feet per hen.

They spend their days out in the fields where they get lots of sunshine, shade, and water; and are able to nibble on all the plants, worms, and other bugs they love to eat. 

Committed to sustainable farming and businesses practices, and why they are launching a regenerative agriculture program.

It’s also why they take our effort to create a better world together with you beyond their own pastures. You can learn more about Hens on a Mission and take us up on our invitation to join us on the journey here.

  •  USDA Certified Organic

  • American Humane Certified

  • Soy-free options

The best eggs come from the healthiest hens!

Happy Heans
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🍳 Rated #1 in the NATION in regard to their practices in regard to raising the hens and lifestyle they provide for them! 

Unlike most pasture raised farms, their hens actually live in small numbers with mobile barns that we continually rotate through their Pastures creating a biodynamic environment where they get to harsh nature and work with it to REGENERATE the land we steward!”  

All eggs at the farm 100 percent pasture-raised and the hens are fed organic food, free of corn and soy.

Plus, they are top-rated by Cornucopia Institute as being the #1 organic egg farm in the nation.

The farmers have a commitment to bring consumers eggs in the most humane and sustainable way possible from their Southern California pastures

  •  USDA Certified Organic

  • American Humane Certified

The best eggs come from the healthiest hens!

Alexandre Organic Pasture-Raised Eggs
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🍳 They are proud to be the 1st CERTIFIED REGENERATIVE organic dairy in the US by both the Savory Institute and the Regenerative Organic Alliance.  These certifications acknowledge that their farming practices go beyond sustainability to actually improving the biology of our soil and our ecosystem, and sequestering carbon to help with climate change.

They have full freedom to roam, rest, nest, lay eggs and forage whenever and as much as they would like.  They live a natural life.  They graze on green, lush organic grass and have room to roam in the fresh coastal air and sunshine.  They have nests in their coop in which they lay their eggs, which we hand-gather.  The eggs are substantially different from most other eggs you can buy:  They weigh more, they taste better and they have a higher protein profile.  Our conscious, hand-intensive egg farming takes a lot more effort and it is worth every bit of it!

  •  USDA Certified Organic

  • American Humane Certified

  • Kosher 

  •  1st CERTIFIED REGENERATIVE organic dairy in the US

The best eggs come from the healthiest hens!

Alexandre Organic Pasture-Raised Eggs
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🍳 As the founders of Blue Sky Family Farms, John and Cathy Brunnquell believe strongly in the importance of family and the value of family-owned farms in our communities. They’re also committed advocates for animal welfare. That’s why all of our chickens have the freedom to roam around outside, under blue skies. Every single one of our eggs, whether they’re pasture-raised or free-range, comes from a chicken that gets to live her best life, because at Blue Sky Family Farms, we have a simple belief: healthy chickens lay delicious eggs.

They practice regenerative farming techniques because they’re good for the soil, the air, the earth, and of course, their chickens.

The chickens live outside, under blue skies, because that’s the right thing to do.

  •  USDA Certified Organic

  • American Humane Certified

The best eggs come from the healthiest hens!

Born Free Organic Pasture-Raised Eggs
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🍳 Born Free Organic Pasture Raised eggs are laid by hens who enjoy a life spread out both indoors and outdoors. The girls live indoors in spacious and temperature-controlled barns, and have daily outdoor access to graze on green pastures and bask in sunshine and fresh air. These organic farms guarantee that they are fed organic vegetarian feed that is Free From GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, animal byproducts, steroids, hormones, and antibiotics. Born Free Organic Pasture Raised eggs carry the USDA Certified Organic seal and NSF Non-GMO certification, so you can be sure their farms are accredited by third parties.

live outside, under blue skies, because that’s the right thing to do.

  •  USDA Certified Organic

  • American Humane Certified

The best eggs come from the healthiest hens!

Nest Freash Organic Pasture-Raised Eggs
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🍳 Pasture Raised Eggs come from family farms that give their birds room to roam. Each of these farms has at least 108 square feet of open pasture per bird.

Today they use regional, family-owned farms to produce and supply farm fresh NestFresh Eggs in a local, sustainable system. Each family farm in our network is a local business that shares our commitment to animal welfare and stewardship of the land. Every one of these farms is inspected by auditors committed to animal welfare. This ensures that every NestFresh farm across the country meets our high standards for happy, healthy hens.

NestFresh has always been proud to provide you with eggs that satisfy your conscience and your hunger. We hope to continue to lead the way in producing natural alternatives to regular eggs.

  •  USDA Certified Organic

  • American Humane Certified

The best eggs come from the healthiest hens!

Chino Valley Organic Pasture-Raised Eggs
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🍳 These eggs come exclusively from hens who enjoy the many benefits of sunshine, fresh air and water, and lots of room to roam on family farms.

Their ladies forage as they please on seeds, bugs, and green grass. All on dedicated pastureland with at least 108 sq ft for each bird. They also provide premium feed to ensure a complete and balanced diet.

The hens enjoy the outdoors and all the benefits that come with the freedom to roam wild and free.

Healthy food, sunshine and exercise - what else could be better for a hen? That's why their eggs are flavorful and nutritious!

  •  USDA Certified Organic

  • American Humane Certified

  • Kosher

The best eggs come from the healthiest hens!

Utophien Organic Pasture-Raised Eggs

Here is what you need to know to get the healthiest eggs!
👉NOT SO GOOD 🐓 Cage-free: even if chickens aren’t caged, they are kept together indoors
Diet: no regulations
👉BETTER 🐓Organic: chicken may have access to outdoors, it depends on farms
Diet: organic
👉BEST 🐓Pasture-raised: free to roam + outdoor access
Diet: forage their food + controlled diet
👉BEST OF THE BEST 🐓 organic + pasture raised: free to roam + outdoor access
Diet: forage their food + organic diet
🔎Look for these labels:
USDA Certified organic + Certified Humane seal
The most nutritious eggs are from pasture raised hens that bask in sunlight, pick and hunt their food, and have the freedom they are supposed to have!
Their eggs are superior in terms of taste, color, consistency, nutrition, ethics, and environmentalism!
🌱Utopihen Farms is a pasture raised brand from Central Pennsylvania. All their eggs are Certified Humane and USDA certified organic!
🍳All their eggs come from organic family owned and operated farms that focus on tree plantings, carbon neutral packing facilities, and sustainable packaging! ⭐️

Vital Farms Organic Pasture-Raised Eggs
USDA Certified Organic eggs, pasture-raised, vital farme, best, protein, chickens,

🍳 Breakfast anyone? These are my favorite eggs!

Hens enjoy at least 108 square feet of pasture each with plenty of fresh air and sunshine year-round. This outdoor access gives the girls a lifestyle they deserve with the freedom to forage through rotated pastures each egg carton is stamped with the exact farm where those particular eggs are from.

You can then go to their website and see a webcam feed of the hens roaming freely on the pastures! So adorable and A+ for transparency and traceability.

Today, they partner with over 275 small family farms who give the girls the outdoor lifestyle they deserve. Every Vital Farms egg comes from a pasture-raised hen who enjoys a minimum of 108 sq. ft. roaming room in fresh pastures, with the freedom to forage for local grasses, succulents and wildflowers while enjoying fresh air and sunshine.

  •  USDA Certified Organic

  • American Humane Certified

The best eggs come from the healthiest hens!

Organic Pasture-Raised Eggs
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🍳 Breakfast anyone? These are my favorite eggs!

The best eggs you can get the need  to have 2 requirements:

1. They need to display the USDA Certified Organic seal,  which means the chickens didn't eat any GMO corn or other pesticide food.

2. They need to be Certified Pasture-Raised. Look for the HFAC Humane Farm Animal Care seal!

Like these ones, they are not only USDA organic but also Pasture-Raised and Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) Certified!

There is a difference between pasture-raised and free-range.  

"Cage-free"  eggs have been a major cause of debate in the US. 

In the United States, free-range regulations do not necessarily require that hens spend substantial time outdoors, only that the hens "have access to the outdoors"

HFAC requirements for:

 "free-range" is that birds need to be at least 6 hours per day outdoors.

"pastured-raised" birds must be outdoors year-round.

According to the HFAC, this company is on the pastured-raised program.

Vitamin D in eggs has been observed to increase up to 4 times in hens that have exposure to sunlight, compared to hens that are kept away from sunlight.

  • USDA  Certified Organic 

  • GMOs -free

  • Pastured raised Certified

The best eggs come from the healthiest hens!

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Carol's Organic Pasture-Raised Eggs

🍳 Certified Humane Pasture-Raised hens live in very small flocks and have ample pasture to call home. They scurry to and fro on green grass, scratch in the dirt, socialize, and forage for unsuspecting insects each and every day.

Carol’s Eggs have always been 100% Certified Humane. This seal from the Humane Farm Animal Care non-profit organization is the most respected 3rd party certification in the industry, and something no factory farms offering cheap eggs can boast.

  •  USDA Certified Organic

  • American Humane Certified

  • B-Corp Certified

The best eggs come from the healthiest hens!

Handsome Organic Pasture-Raised Eggs
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Regenerative Farming
Their regenerative farming initiatives include pasture rotation, reseeding, and tree planting to improve soil health and sequester carbon. We never use toxic GMOs.

At Handsome Brook Farm, we provide expansive doors, outdoor shade, protection, and water. They also provide comfy, protected nests and roosting areas indoors. A pretty sweet setup.

A small percentage of the feed is soy meal, which is needed to supply the chickens with adequate protein for laying. They have looked into alternative protein sources, but have not yet found a non-animal source that meets our chickens’ nutritional needs. They have consulted with allergists, who have advised us that the soy protein in the soymeal is broken down inside the chicken prior to egg-laying and is not found in eggs in sufficient amounts to trigger allergic reactions in most people. Of course, if you have a medical condition regarding soy, it’s essential you consult your physician. 

  •  USDA Certified Organic

  • American Humane Certified

  • Kosher

The best eggs come from the healthiest hens!

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