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Natural  Remedies for PMS  

🌸  I have always been using Advil, Ibuprofen, or Tylenol.

I used to take 1 every month during my period! 

Ibuprofen use, even if just a few times a week can cause gut inflammation, increased gut permeability, depletes melatonin, folate absorptions, and B vitamins.


Ibuprofen has been shown to delay ovulation and lower progesterone levels in women.

Advil is also responsible for creating my acid reflux. I wanted a safer alternative.

I then tried all the natural remedies available on the markets, pills, supplements, herbs, tablets. All promising to help with menstrual cramps. None of them worked. I had still used the toxic Tylenol. 

I finally found something that really help me to the point that I have not been taking toxic pharmaceutical products for years! Fewer drugs you will take and fewer cramps you will get eventually in the next cycles. 

Below you will see the natural supplements that I found to work for me.


🌸  They are all listed below:

1. Before: I suggest starting with Quercetin days before and during the period, and the Histamine X listed below.  Also, zinc supplements before the period, read below why. 

2. During Menstrual Cramp RelLeaf and the Wish Cramp Release, you may need just one or both like me.

3. Extra supports: If all this is not enough there are some cramps patches below or you can try eco-hot water bottles. Try a gluten-free and dairy diet to see if that is the cause.

4. Keep it clean: I highly recommend using an organic feminine wash daily but especially during those days! recommended organic feminine wash below! 

5. Feminine products: Use only organic and safe menstrual pads, medical-grade silicone cups, eco-friendly menstrual panties, organic feminine wipesand organic lubricants.

organic PM and period support, USDA Certified Organic
Semaine PMS & Period Support

🌿 Superpowered supplements to help you have the best period imaginable. Perfect for real humans with mood swings, bloating, bad cramps and PMS. Take it just when you need to. Before your period for mood swings, or during your period for bloating and cramps.

🌿 With bioavailable ingredients like ashwagandha and magnesium, Semaine's plant-based capsules are designed to ease bloating and cramps and improve your mood. Take 2 at a time as needed (and up to 4x daily) when you feel PMS symptoms.

MADE IN THE USA: Made in an FDA-regulated facility using the highest quality, bioavailable ingredients tested by a third-party lab. All ingredients are vegan, non-GMO, gluten-free, dairy-free, drug-free, soy-free & hormone-free to provide the most powerful uti supplement.

INGREDIENTS: Ashwagandha, Bowellia, Curcumin, Green Tea catechins, Magnesium, Quercitin, Resveratrol, Silymarin, Vitamin D3, vegetable cellulose (capsule), rice flour, calcium palmitate, silicon dioxide, and chlorophyll

Organic Olivia Organic Flow Balance
organic PMS herbss, medicine, supplemets, solution, remedy, organic medicine for mentrual cramps, USDA organic mentrual cramp pain killer, organic anti inflammatory, Organic advil

💚Flow Balance is a balancing and regulating formula designed to optimize hormone health and support minor PMS symptoms. Each herb works together to encourage normal cycles, supporting hormone modulation and regulation for healthy hormone balance.

🌿 As many women need more support during that time of the month, herbal allies like Vitex, and Cramp. Bark, Raspberry Leaf, and Wild Yam help to maintain a state of well-being and vitality all throughout your cycle by supporting your reproductive wellness at a foundational level. While not an overnight magic bullet, this “PMS rescue” formula works hard over time to provide the support that lasts.*

  • Supports healthy, balanced hormones

  • Helps ease minor symptoms to PMS

  • Aids a normal, positive mood during your menstrual cycle

  • Supports mild blemishes before and during your cycle related to hormone health

  • Assists mild cramps and smooth flow

  • Contains herbs known as hormone modulators or supporters, along with HPA axis regulating botanicals for a top-down approach*

Once healthy hormone balance is maintained after about 3 months with Flow Balance, women who are looking to support healthy fertility often move onto Natal Nourish. This formula is taken twice daily, as is or in juice or water.*

INGREDIENTS:  Chaste Tree Berry +, Wild Yam Root+, Dong Quai Root+, Red Raspberry Leaf+, Licorice Root+, OregonGrape Root,  Cramp Bark Bark, Nettle Leaf +, Fresh Aerial Parts. Other ingredients: Organic Vegetable Glycerin, Deionized Qater + Organic

organic PMS tincture and period support, USDA Certified Organic, earthleyreen Shot 2022-11-10 at 10.08.22 AM.png
Ease the Ache {Women’s Cramp Formula}

🌿Many women struggle with heavy bleeding, painful cramps, bloating, backaches, and mood swings during their cycle. Ease the Ache is the natural remedy you’ve been looking for!

Four herbs in a base of organic cane-derived alcohol (Original) or vegetable glycerin (Alcohol-Free) unite to provide natural relief for periods and postpartum pains. 

  • Eases cramping, pain, and postpartum afterpains

  • Balances hormones

  • Herbs rich in vitamin K

🌿Ease the Ache was formulated with herbs that are rich in vitamin K to help slow heavy bleeding, ease cramping and pain, balance hormones, relieve bloating. The natural power of herbs Cramp bark, red raspberry leaf, motherwort, and nettle combine to create the best natural remedy for periods and postpartum afterpains. ​

INGREDIENTSNettle leaf*, Red raspberry leaf*, Cramp bark*, Motherwort* In a base of cane-derived alcohol* or vegetable glycerin* and filtered water. *Certified organic ingredients

Wish Garden Natural Cramp Relief 
Mentrual cramps natural remedy, organic PMS and period support, USDA Certified Organic

🌸 I have always been using Advil, Ibuprofen, or Tylenol. I tried all the natural remedies available on the market, pills, supplements, herbs, tablets. All promising to help with menstrual cramps. None of them worked. I had still used the toxic Tylenol. Tylenol is also responsible for creating my acid reflux. I wanted an alternatives 

Then I went to my local grocery store, Erewhon where they have only the safest and healthiest products under their roof and the girl working there showed me 2 options, I took them both, and together are completely replacing my Tylenol! One is this and the other one is Natural Menstrual Cramp ReLeaf.

A sort of miracle: Here it is a much safer and natural alternative that works without the side effect of the medications such as a burning stomach especially if you have acid - reflux or GERD.

I can tell you something: it works for me! Give it a try. I have always make sure that I have when I need it.

🌸 It soothes occasional discomforts associated with menstruation and supports a healthy hormone cycle. A unique formula that also supports mood and relaxation. Non-GMO and gluten-free.

INGREDIENTS: Crampbark (Viburnum opulus), Black Cohosh root (Actaea racemosa (syn. Cimicifuga racemosa)), Catnip aerials (Nepeta cataria), Wild Yam root (Dioscorea villosa), Scullcap aerials (Scutellaria lateriflora)

Natural Menstrual Cramp ReLeaf
Mentrual cramps natural remedy, organic PMS and period support, USDA Certified Organic

I went to my local grocery store, Erewhon where they have only the safest and healthiest products under their roof and the girl working there showed me 2 options, I took them both, and together are completely replacing my Tylenol! One is this and the other one is Wish Cramp Release.

A sort of miracle: Here it is a much safer and natural alternative for menstrual cramps, PMS that works without the side effect of the medicinals such as a burning stomach especially if you have acid - reflux or GERD. I can tell you something: for me, it works! Give it a try. 

I have always made sure that I have it when I need it.

Here it is a much safer and natural alternative that works without the side effect of the medicinals such as a burning stomach especially if you have acid - reflux or GERD. I can tell you something: for me, it works! Give it a try. 🌸Cramp ReLeaf® Relieves sharp, strong menstrual cramps occurring prior to or during menstruation. Supports a healthy, normal monthly menstrual cycle. Eases uterine, ovarian, and lower abdominal muscle tension. Improves ovarian and uterine circulation, soothes the pelvic muscles, and promotes the healthy tone of the entire birthing organ. 

INGREDIENTS: Black Haw stem bark, Cramp Bark bark, Bethroot root, Clove flower bud, Cinnamon bark, fresh Wild Yam root, Cardamom seed, and Orange peel. Gluten-Free

Pure Encapsulations Quercetin 
organic quercetin, organic anti-histamine, organic PMS and period support, USDA Certified Organic

I saw an incredible reduction of menstrual cramps with this, it is even better if you start to take a few days before the period, such as a week before, and ake more during the first day of the period if necessary. Not only did I see an incredible improvement but it also made my period lighetr.
Quercetin is my new discovery!
Quercetin is found in foods such as broccoli, parsley, artichokes, butternut squash.
Quercetin belongs to a class of water-soluble plant pigments called bioflavonoids that cannot be produced by the human body. This quercetin is derived from Fava d’ anta tree.
Recommended for many functions such as supporting healthy enzyme activity, it contains one of the most bioactive bioflavonoids.
It offers immune support, Antioxidants support, Cellular support and maintain mast cell function!
It is part of my supplement collection!

Also great for Hives and workouts. 

Pure Encapsulation Zinc 30
organic PMS and period support, USDA Certified Organic, zinc for mentrual cramps, pure encapsulation

🌸According to world-famous, period expert Lara Briden,  Zinc 30 mg at days leading 10 days before your period should reduce menstrual cramps and pain. I can say it works! From her blog:

👉 Reduces inflammation and improves period pain. Zinc has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it relieves period pain. It’s also a key part of the immune-modulating protocol for endometriosis.

👉 It regulates the menstrual cycle. Zinc nourishes ovarian follicles (eggs) and so promotes ovulation.

👉  Tip: Allow three months for it to work because of the “100 days to ovulation” I discuss in Period Repair Manual.  Blocks excess androgens (testosterone). Zinc is one of several natural androgen blockers that can improve androgen symptoms such as acne and hirsutism (facial hair).

👉 Tip: Zinc will never push testosterone below normal levels. Clears acne by blocking androgens, killing bacteria, and reducing keratin production.

👉Maintains collagen. Zinc maintains the integrity of collagen in connective tissue and hair, and it’s particularly good for the hair loss associated with thyroid disease.

👉Supports thyroid. Together with iodine and selenium, zinc is essential for the synthesis and activation of the thyroid hormone.  Zinc promotes the thyroid hormone, which, in turn, promotes the better absorption of zinc.

👉Dials down cortisol and the stress response. Zinc supports the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain that dials down the stress response.

👉Zinc deficiency symptoms include hair lossdermatitis, impaired immune function, white spots on the fingernails.

🌸 This Zinc Picolinate (30 mg.)  is highly Absorbable Hypoallergenic Great also for Immune Support. It is recommended also if you deal with eczema. 

🌸 Pure Encapsulations products are free from wheat, gluten, egg, peanuts, magnesium stearate, hydrogenated fat, artificial sweeteners and colors, and other unnecessary excipients.

organic PMS and period support, USDA Certified Organic, pure encapsulations, megnesium glycinate
Pure Encapsulations Megnesium Glycinate 

🌷 I have been using this brand for a long time and I can say that I approved of it! It is the cleanest and the Glycicnate form is the most effective around.  It is a brand recommended by Naturopath doctors.

🌷 Highly bioavailable magnesium chelate for sensitive individuals. Magnesium (glycinate) is a highly bioavailable magnesium chelate, which supports the metabolism and utilization of carbohydrates, amino acids, and fats for energy. Magnesium (glycinate) helps activate enzymes for physiological functions including cardiac health. Magnesium activates the enzymes necessary for a number of physiological functions, including neuromuscular contractions, cardiac function, and the regulation of the acid-alkaline balance in the body.

🌷 In a 15-year study involving almost 5,000 young adults, higher intakes of magnesium were associated with healthy cardiovascular function and glucose utilization. Another large cross-sectional study found that magnesium intake was positively associated with bone mineral density in certain subgroups. This vital mineral also helps utilize some vitamins, including vitamin B6, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Magnesium (glycinate) is less likely to cause loose stools than other forms of magnesium.

🌷 Their magnesium Glycinate is amazing as well. Take it every night before sleep.  No fillers and unnecessary additives. Take a look. 

🌷 For acid reflux or GERD, this a Better alternative to Magnesium Citrate since it does contain citric acid.  Great for period issues and cramps and for workouts.🌷

Earthley Castor Oil Detox Pack
organic PMS and period support, USDA Certified Organic, organic cassts detox oil for PMS, earthley

🌿 If you are struggling to detox naturally, this Castor oil can help!

Infused castor oil can help detox your liver, relieve the pain of cysts, reduce joint pain, promote lymphatic health, and more. Available in Warm or Cool formulas.

🌿 Castor oil is an age-old remedy to get things flowing properly. It absorbs into the skin to break up old tissue and get fluids moving again. Castor oil, applied externally, is one of the safest and most beneficial detox supports there is.  This organic castor oil is infused with herbs that also help to relieve pain and promote wellness for extra benefits. This way, it can help with sluggish livers and kidneys, inflammation, joint pain, and occasional constipation.

Castor detoxing is easy! 

🌿 Simply soak a cloth in castor oil, place it over the body part that needs help, cover with plastic wrap to protect from mess, and lay a heating pad on top.

  • Cool formula is best for liver support, ovarian cysts, people who are generally hot/overheated.

  • Warm formula is best for joint pain, general inflammation, and people who are generally cool/feel cold easily.


Warm Formula: Organic Castor Oil, Organic Cinnamon, Organic Ginger Root

Cool Formula: Organic Castor Oil, Organic Peppermint Leaf, Organic Rosemary

organic PMS and period support, USDA Certified Organic, earthley, Organic castor oil packs for PMS
Earthley Flax Heating Pad

🌿Flax Heating Pads are NEW, organic, and hand-made by a work-at-home mama.

Use them for pain-relief, relaxation, and detox!  

These natural heating pads are just what you need!  Made with organic cotton and filled with organic flax seeds, they are better for you and the earth.  We have optional, flannel slipcovers with three great patterns to choose from!

They are the perfect addition to your Castor Oil Detox!

Pictured in display photo (Top to Bottom): Flax Heating Pad (on Left), Mermaid Cover, Tribal Cover, and Light Tie-Dye Cover

Pictured in photo 2 (Left to Right): Dragon Scales Cover, Classic Tie-Dye Cover, Blue Water Cover, Hearts on Pastel Tie-Dye Cover, Cosmo Clock Cover

INGREDIENTS: Flax Heating Pads are made with organic flax seeds and organic cotton.  The slip covers are flannel.

organic PMS and period support, USDA Certified Organic, organic dry brush for PMS
Beauty By Earth Dry Brush Dry Body Brush (Long Handle)

🌿Clear, soft, renewed skin is just a brush away. Our long-handled dry body brush brings out your skin’s best from head to toe. It’s the perfect addition to your morning routine.

Perfect for:






Boar bristles are loved by beauty enthusiasts for their natural flexibility and ability to evenly distribute oils throughout hair strands. For dry brushing, Boar hair's stiff anatomy offer an invigorating brushing session.


Despite its name, this slow-growing flowering plant isn't actually a tree at all. But it's beautiful marbled stem offers sustainable, light-weight material for crafting many household goods, from tables to dry brush heads.

MATERIAL: 85%Bamboo + 6% Bristles + 9% rubber 

organic facial dry brush, primally pure organic dry brush. for bloating, organic PMS and period support, USDA Certified Organic
Primally Pure Facial Dry Brush

🌿 This eco-friendly Primally Pure Facial dry brush tool and 2-minute skincare ritual exfoliate skin and visibly minimize buildup (especially blackheads + stubborn milia) while optimizing lymphatic drainage and detoxifying the skin tissue.

🌿This wellness ritual has its origins in Ayurveda and has been practiced for centuries in cultures all across the world. Facial dry brushing has a long-standing list of beauty benefits including increased circulation, smooth + exfoliated skin, detoxification through lymphatic drainage and improved appearance of the skin.

  • Incorporate facial dry brushing daily after oil cleansing in your evening skincare routine or as the first step in your morning skincare routine to awaken and invigorate skin.

  • Starting at the neck, brush with light downward strokes to stimulate lymphatic drainage. Work your way up the face with short, soft strokes moving from the center to your hairline. Spend a little extra time wherever you experience congestion, puffiness or buildup. Finish with long upward strokes from the neck up the face.

  • Always use light pressure – the point isn’t to scrub off your skin, but to gently, effectively get blood and lymphatic fluid moving

MATERIAL: sustainable bamboo wood and boar bristles.

Primally Pure Body Dry Brush
organic facial dry brush, primally pure organic dry brush, organic PMS and period support, USDA Certified Organic, for PMS bloating

🌿 The simple practice of dry brushing is proven to boost beauty + wellness throughout the body. It has a long-standing list of beauty benefits including increased circulation, smooth + exfoliated skin, detoxification through lymphatic drainage, and improved appearance of the skin.

Primally Pure Dry Brush handle is made from sustainable bamboo wood and boar bristles.

🌿This wellness ritual has its origins in Ayurveda and has been practiced for centuries in cultures all across the world. Dry brushing has a long-standing list of beauty benefits including increased circulation, smooth + exfoliated skin, detoxification through lymphatic drainage, and improved appearance of the skin.

  • Before showering, begin at your feet and brush upwards with gentle, short strokes – always towards your heart.

  • Brush in a counterclockwise direction over your belly (this helps to improve digestion!) and then brush from your hands to your heart.

  • To finish, brush down toward your underarms to help flush out toxins + improve lymph drainage. Always use light pressure – the point isn’t to scrub off your skin, but to gently, effectively get blood + lymphatic fluid moving.

  • After showering, apply body oil + enjoy your skin’s glow and your new found energy. 

MATERIAL: sustainable bamboo wood and boar bristles.

Seeking Health HistaminX 
organic PMS and period support, USDA Certified Organic, seeking health

🌷HistaminX by Seeking Health provides a combination of supportive herbal and plant-derived compounds that may work together to support seasonal comfort and a healthy inflammatory response. 

Bioflavonoids quercetin, rutin, and luteolin may play a role in modulating the body’s histamine response. Made with Natural Nettle, Quercetin, Rutin, Bromelain Blend with Broccoli Seed Extract.

Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce cramps, prevents UTIs, and is good for overall hormone health. quercetin helps modulate inflammation and regulate blood sugar, two factors that are essential for balanced hormones and a healthy cycle.

I recommend taking quercetin during the menstrual phase to support healthy estrogen levels and keep inflammation levels low. 

Nettles replenish magnesium in the body which helps reduce PMS, and they are a good source of iron, which can help build up the blood during and after menstruation. 

The leaves of stinging nettles support respiratory health, a healthy urinary tract, healthy mucus membranes, and overall well-being.*

Bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme found in pineapple, helps support a normal inflammatory response, and the body’s healing processes and is sometimes used as a digestive enzyme.

Glucoraphanin, a compound found in plants in the genus Brassica (e.g. broccoli and cauliflower), supports healthy detoxification processes, a healthy immune system, and provides mitochondrial support.* 

INGREDIENTS: Stinging Nettle Extract (Urtica dioica)(leaves)(1% silica) 200 mg, Luteolin:Rutin Cocrystal (45% luteolin)(45% rutin) 200 mg, Quercetin (as quercetin dihydrate from Sophora japonica)(bud) 100 mg, Bromelain (2400 GDU/g)(from Ananas comosus)(fruit) 100 mg, Glucoraphanin (from broccoli extract)(Brassica oleracea italica)(seed) 25 mg, Dihydroquercetin (from larch tree extract)(Larix dahurica)(Larix gmelinii)(Larix sibirica ledeb)(Larix cajanderi)(saw logs) 20 mg. HPMC (vegetable capsule), microcrystalline cellulose, ascorbyl palmitate, L-leucine, medium-chain triglyceride oil, and silica.

Portable  Boost Oxygen

💚Boost Oxygen is portable 95% pure supplemental oxygen for all-natural respiratory support.  It is used by athletes for recovery and performance, for an active lifestyle, people at high altitudes for altitude acclimation, and those experiencing poor air quality.

Did you know the air we breathe contains only 21% oxygen – the majority is useless 78% nitrogen? Our body needs oxygen to make energy.

💪 I use it when I work out or before after a walk 

💚 It seems to help also with during menstruations.

organic PMS and period support, USDA Certified Organic, iron for PMS
Iron by Pure Encapsulation

🌸 During menstruations, we are losing iron. Here is a way to compensate for it. 

This iron is combined with Vitamin C for better absorption. This Vitamin C better forms since it is a non-acid version, great if you have acid-reflux -GERD or want to have an alpine diet 

🌸Also, the research emphasizes the importance of maintaining healthy serum ferritin for optimal performance in elite female athletes.

This is Gluten-free, Vegan without added fillers. Made with hypoallergenic, vegan ingredients

Iron is also great for hair health.

Lady Suite Natural Intimate Care

🌸Today is National Menstrual Hygiene Day May 28.
💖Excited to introduce you to this new gorgeous organic ladies' line!
💁‍♀️Created by a woman, motivated to make the most natural skin-friendly products, made with safe ingredients, to deliver you the best intimate natural skin care!
👉I always recommend using pH-formulated products for your intimate care. There is a need for it.
👉Doesn’t matter if you are using a natural organic wash, if it is not pH friendly, it can create irritations and won’t create a healthy protective barrier.💖 That’s why I recommend these products!
🌿Probiotic Refreshing Cleanser: plant-based, soothing wash, formulated with the perfect pH to balance, wash, and protect from bacteria, and maintain an ideal environment daily with a refreshing aroma!
🌸Rejuvenating Botanical Oil: Made with organic ingredients, this oil is a skin perfector, to soothe sensitive and dry skin, reduce and improve ingrown hairs, and heal irritation from shaving, hair removal, and hormonal changes. Great as after-shave oil, too!
Glow Refiner stubborn intimate skin: this intimate spray is designed to boost glowing skin, it exfoliates with willow bark and lactic acid. Designed to make your skin flawless by reducing ingrown hairs, razor bumps, and reduce dark spots. It can be used even for face dark spots.
💖Your skin will look brighter, smoother, and rejuvenated, with this simple, 3-step treatment!
💚Healthy ingredients 🌿Plant-based 👉pH friendly 🐰Cruelty-free
💚Vegan ✨Dermatologist tested 💁‍♀️Designed by a woman for women
🌸Cute packaging And approved by me!😉

Lady SuiteProbiotic Refreshing Cleanser
organic PMS and period support, USDA Certified Organic, organic femnine cleanser for PMS

💖Get ready to wash your cares away. This gentle feminine wash is made to cleanse and condition the delicate vulva area (the non-self-cleaning bits outside of the vagina). It’s made with probiotic-derived bioactives to combat unwanted odor, itchiness, and discomfort, while supporting pH balance for harmony down south.
•Residue from daily activities (think: sweat, humidity, periods, sex, etc.)
•Unwanted, odor-causing bacteria
•pH imbalance

🌿This vulva-friendly formula cleanses outer intimate skin, supports natural pH, and combats unwanted odor, itchiness, and discomfort with probiotic-derived bioactives. Cosmetic-grade rose quartz powder provides gentle exfoliation to prevent ingrown hairs, razor bumps, and blemishes before they start. Plus, it feels cushiony, hydrating, and contains soothing fruit extracts that smell amaaaazing.
INGREDIENTS: (*indicates organic) Aqua/Water/Eau, Sodium Cocoyl Glutamate, Lauryl Betaine, Propanediol , Polyglyceryl 3-Polyricinoleate, Polyglyceryl-10 Laurate, Sorbitan Oleate Decylglucoside Crosspolymer, Xanthan Gum, Sodium Caproyl/Lauroyl Lactylate, Saccharomyces/Rice Ferment Filtrate, Sclerotium Gum, Quartz, Sodium Hyaluronate, Panthenol, Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe) Leaf Extract*, Ethyl Macadamiate, Panax Ginseng Extract, Anthemis Nobilis (Chamomile) Flower Extract, Rosa Canina (Rose Hip) Fruit Extract, Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Extract,Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) Leaf Extract, Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit) Fruit Extract, Eucalyptus Globulus (Eucalyptus) Leaf Oil*, Tocopheryl Acetate, Sodium Hyaluronate, Sodium Levulinate, Sodium Anisate, Lactic Acid, Glyceryl Caprylate.

TUSHY Bidet Spa 3.0
eco friendly bidet

🌟I grew up with a bidet. I can promise you that once you try it, you won't go back. No wet wipes or toilet paper can reproduce that feeling of being clean and refreshed as a bidet can do. Everybody who tried it told me that it is like a discovery!

🌎The TUSHY bidets comfortably clean with adjustable warm or cool freshwater, the same as your sink or shower. (Never the bowl!) 

🍃 I highly recommend getting a bidet with warm water 

  • Soothing temperature control from cool to warm water for a comfortable clean.

  • Self Cleaning SmartSpray™ nozzle rinses before and after each use for a better clean. 

  • Easy install in 10 ½ minutes or less on most standard toilets.

  • Universal fit on almost any toilet with adjustable seat fasteners for a secure fit and a 6-foot-long hot water connection to reach your sink hookup.

  • Water pressure control from a gentle to a strong stream of water.

  • NEW Antimicrobial bamboo or metal knobs for a modern design that is 99.9% germ free. 🐠 🐙 🐢

In the FLO by Alisa Vitti

🌟She found a way to heal her menstrual cramps and other related o hormonal balance.  

She developed a plan to address diet, exercise, and lifestyle.

·       Meal plans and recipes for each phase

·       Charts for phase-specific exercises, work tasks, and relationship activities

·       A daily planner that helps you align with your strengths in each phase

·       A biohacking toolkit for navigating period problems and hormonal birth control.

I suggest downloading also her app

Her previous book was a best seller.

Mayan Book and Massage for
Helathier Menstruations

🌟A self Mayan massage or made by a professional practician. can help to address your period issues, including cramps. This massage is designed to naturally correct the position of the tilted or retrovert uterus, improve period and cramp, and improve pelvic muscle tone. Recommend for athletic women.

 Here is a guide on how to practice this old and traditional massage.

A professional in Los Angeles is Beth from the LA location:  Tao of Venus, she is an amazing healer. 

Period Repair Manual Lara Briden

🌟It helps to improve your hormones and reduce the period symptoms including cramps. Period Repair Manual is your guide to better periods using natural treatments such as diet, nutritional supplements, herbal medicine, and natural hormones. It contains advice and tips for women of every age and situation. If you have a period (or want a period), then this book is for you.

certified organic plant based iron supplements, vegan, capsules, 100% plant based, organic PM and period support, USDA Certified Organic
Iron Certified Organic 100% Plant formulated

🍃 This is my number choice and recommendation since it is 100% plant based and not a sithetic iron for.

Fyto is a Miessence sister brand.

100% plant-based, Fyto is the world's first 100% Vegan Supplements.

And even better, Fyto is  Australia's first Certified Organic Supplement. They have a large collection of supplements and here it is:

🍃IRON Certified Organic - 100% Plant-Based from curry leaf, even my naturopath was impressed with this formula! 
Fyto Iron will help to prevent iron deficiency, support energy production, increase resistance to infection and support the nervous system.

🍃How to Use

Adults - Take 1 capsule, once daily, with food, or as directed by your health professional
Store below 25℃, protect from moisture
INGREDIENTS: Certified Organic curry (murraya koeginii) leaf extract. Certified Organic Cassava Capsules, Certified Organic Inulin (prebiotic).

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Certified Organic Healthy Cycle® Tea

This is my favorite and my number one organic tea brand recommendation for these reasons: USA Certified Organic, no natural flavors added, no heavy metals, plastics free.

🍃European and Native American women have been using the silvery leaves of the raspberry bush for thousands of years to support all phases of a woman’s cycle.* Tapping into this ancient wisdom, we recommend drinking it regularly to support your wellness and vitality at any time of the month.

🍃How to use

  • Pour 8 oz. freshly boiled water over 1 tea bag.

  • Cover & Steep for 10-15 min.

  • Squeeze tea bag to ensure maximum goodness.

  • Enjoy 2-3 cups per day.

INGREDIENTS: Organic raspberry leaf, organic licorice root, organic stinging nettle leaf, organic dandelion herb and root, organic spearmint leaf, organic rose hip, organic lemon verbena leaf, organic west Indian lemongrass leaf, organic ginger rhizome, organic chamomile flower

organic PMS and period support, USDA Certified Organic, PMS
USDA Certified Organic Moringa Tea

This is my favorite and my number one organic tea brand recommendation for these reasons: USA Certified Organic, no natural flavors added, no heavy metals, plastics free.

🌟It is inflammatory and has high nutritional properties including iron. It is great before and during periods and especially cramps since it has quercetin: a powerful antioxidant.

Moringa can significantly reduce menstrual cramp pain rapidly, bringing it to a tolerable level.

It is Non-GMO verified; All Ingredients Certified Organic; Kosher.

Great also for Hives and Histamine issues.

If you have hives episodes check this page.  

organic PMS and period support, USDA Certified Organic, PMS
USDA Certified Organic DandelionTea

This is my favorite and my number one organic tea brand recommendation for these reasons: USA Certified Organic, no natural flavors added, no heavy metals, plastics free.

🌟Dandelion Tea is great for liver detox,  for better skin, and for an overall healthier stomach.

Calcium: dandelions contain 10% of your recommended calcium daily value. 

Vitamin K: dandelions contain over 500 percent of your daily value. Vitamin K is related to bone mineralization, great for postmenopausal women and osteoporosis. 

Menstruation: Vitamin K It is also great during the period since it menstrual bleeding because of its blood-clotting control capabilities, it reduces the excessive menstrual bleeding.

Liver Detox: thanks to the dandelions vitamins and nutrients present it help cleanse our livers and keep them working properly.

organic PMS and period support, USDA Certified Organic, PMS
USDA Certified Organic Hibiscus Tea

This is my favorite and my number one organic tea brand recommendation for these reasons: USA Certified Organic, no natural flavors added, no heavy metals, plastics free.

🌟In traditional medicine, Hibiscus flowers are used to regulate the menstrual cycle and help alleviate cramps, PMS

It is Non-GMO verified; All Ingredients Certified Organic; Kosher.

Hibiscus also boosts circulation & acts as a light diuretic, its medicinal properties including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds. 

Great also for Hives and Histamine issues.

If you have hives episodes check this page. 

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